My Stats:
Current Name: Molly
Birthday: November 7, 2018
Breed: American Bulldog Love Mix
Weight: Currently 8 lbs. When I am grown, I may be 60 lbs.
- Good with dogs
- Good with children
- House training in process
- Crate training in process
- Vaccines in process
My Story:
My mama and my six siblings were dropped off as an owner surrender on November 21, 2018 – the day before Thanksgiving. At that time, we were just 2 weeks old and opened our little eyes for the very first time. From the moment that Refuge Rescue found out about our dire situation, they worked hard to get us out. Three days later we were saved and moved into our foster home.
My Personality:
I am currently nine weeks old and my personality is still developing but my foster mama says that I am very pretty. I was the first who got her name – Molly – because when we were still nursing, I was the biggest (there is the German term “mollig” for being thick). But over the weeks I worked it off and I have a beautiful figure now. I enjoy playing with my siblings and sometimes I am just laid back and snooze while the others have fun. I already respond to my name and come running when called. I also sit nicely when I get a treat.
In the next couple of weeks I will get my vaccines and I will be available for a foster or adoption home by the end of January 2019.
If you would like to have me as your forever girl, you can apply to “foster adopt” me now. My adoption fee is 350$. Once I am getting spayed at six months of age, my adoption will be finalized and I am yours forever. So don’t delay. I know we will have a great time together!
Click here to download my adoption application.
Last update: January 9, 2019