Her Stats:
Current Name: Blu
DOB: 9/17/16
Breed: Australian Shepherd mix
Weight: 45 lbs.
- Sweet but extremely timid
- Walks well on leash
- House trained
Her Story
The owner of Blu, a gorgeous Aussie mix, is in a very tight spot. She recently had to move into an apartment – and paid all of the extras to ensure her dog could come. Apartment life was a major adjustment for Blu as she was used to having her own back yard and getting lots of exercise. The unfamiliar noises from close neighbors and other apartment life sounds, coupled with no longer getting enough regular exercise to release her stress… and Blu started barking when alone during the day. And the neighbors have complained. Apartment management has said the dog must go or she must move. Blu’s owner cannot afford to break her lease and she has nowhere else to go. She has no other option but to rehome her dog and she asked us to help find her a great family.
Blu is 3-years-old and she hasn’t had a lot of worldly experiences and exposures. She has not been around a lot of people and not more than a few dogs. She was absolutely terrified when we tried to bring her in our Rescue Center for an evaluation. The evaluation had to take place outside in our play group area because she went into sheer panic mode when she heard dogs barking dogs inside. Once we got her settled and she realized she was safe with us in the outside play area, we found her to be a happy and playful girl. She loves to play ball! Her eyes light up as she chases the ball around the yard. We like her very much and we feel she has a ton of potential with the right help. She’s a really nice girl – just very timid and shy – and very inexperienced.
To apply to adopt, please complete an application.
Last update: February 16, 2020