His Stats:
Current Name: Eddie
Age: 18 months
Breed: Chihuahua mix
Weight: 13 lbs
Walks nicely on leash
Friendly to adults/kids
Plays well with other dogs
House trained
His Story
A Good Samaritan found this friendly boy running across a busy highway near our kennel. She brought him to us and we checked him out to make sure that he was okay. Eddie was a sweet and loving guest in our kennel that night, eager for attention and dinner. Although it tugged at our heart-strings, we had to take him to Animal Control the next day to wait out his mandatory stay hold to see if anyone was looking for him. Sadly, nobody came to claim him. As soon as the hold was lifted, we hurried over to rescue him.
In the car, Eddie sits nicely and watches out the window. He is also very good on leash and seems to be okay with most other dogs. He certainly is friendly with both adults and kids and had us all wrapped around his paw in no time. Eddie loves to be loved. At 18 months old, he weighs about 13 pounds and is a Chihuahua mix. He gets neutered this week, so he’ll be ready for his permanent home shortly.
To meet Eddie, please fill out an application here.
Last Update: June 20, 2019